The Foster Kids Fund is dedicated to enhancing the lives of Napa County's children and youth who are in foster care..We have helped support more than 1,000 children and youth over the past 20 years.
Often Foster Parent supplement the stipend they receive with their own funds. When this is not possible, we work with Napa County Child Welfare Services to subsidize those things that help a child in their adjustment to a new family, and to help normalize their lives.
Assistance we provide includes: Tutoring , recreation, sports, camps, school trips, art and music lessons graduation expenses, clothing, special dental and medical needs not covered by Medi-Cal.
We are an all-volunteer organization so at least 95% of all donations go directly to support foster children.
We are a tax-deductible 501 c 3, non-profit organization IRS # 94-3139962.
You can help now. Find out how to donate to the Foster Kids Fund